Free Will & LPA Leads

Free Will & LPA Leads

Will Partners can provide you with free Will Writing, Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA) and Estate Planning leads. We are able to do this as our parent Company Age Partners Ltd receives referrals from professional care workers whose mature Clients or their families require the services provided by Estate Planning Consultants.

If you wish to receive free estate planning leads and are approved to do so, the work you conduct from the referrals we provide to you will operate on the same basis as the referrals we provide to our business partners. A referral will be made to you, you will contact the Client directly and if the Client chooses to proceed you will charge a pre-agreed fee for the work you conduct, when you receive payment you will pay 60% of the fee to Will Partners. We will pay half of this money to the professional care worker who made the referral.

The pre-agreed fees you will be required to charge to Clients which have been referred to you are as follows:

Basic Last Will & Testament £295.00 (each)
Will Trust £495.00 (each)
Severance of Tenancy £100.00
Lasting Power of Attorney £482.00 (each, including registration fee)
Trusts (at your discretion)

Obviously, we are inclined to reward Estate Planners who.... DO KEYWORDS


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